Options for Straighter Teeth

Options for Straighter Teeth

Did you know that crooked teeth could increase your risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss? Many patients view crooked teeth as a cosmetic concern, but in fact, crooked teeth may lead to a whole range of complex oral health concerns. Ottawa, ON dentist Dr. Ami Barakat offers comprehensive orthodontic solutions for straightening crooked teeth for patients of all ages.
The Options for Straighter Teeth at Stittsville, ON.

Crooked Teeth Solutions

We understand that as an adult, wearing traditional metal braces may cause embarrassment and may even disrupt your lifestyle or career. Dr. Barakat offers cosmetic treatments and traditional orthodontics for straightening your teeth and aligning your bite. Straightening your teeth at any age can improve oral health and the increase your confidence in your smile.

  • Invisalign– Invisalign is a custom fit series of clear plastic aligners that gradually reposition your teeth. Your treatment plan will be custom designed by Dr. Barakat for your optimal results. Invisalign can help to correct crowding, spacing, over and under bite issues. The removable trays make it easy to maintain your oral hygiene routine and avoid the development of tooth decay or discoloration often associated with metal braces.
  • Porcelain Veneers– Porcelain veneers are a cosmetic solution that can correct the cosmetic appearance of crooked teeth. A thin porcelain sheet will be custom designed by Dr. Barakat to cover the front and sides of your teeth. Dental veneers are a permanent restoration that with proper maintenance can last many years. Dental veneers do not stain or decay so you can enjoy a bright white, straight smile.
  • Metal Braces– For some patients, traditional metal braces are still the most effective teeth straightening option. Dr. Barakat provides full-service orthodontics as well as early treatment and multiphase treatments for effective results. Every patient receives a thorough oral health exam as well as a bite analysis to determine the best treatment options.

If you do not want to deal with the hassle of traditional braces but suffer from mild to moderate orthodontic problems, cosmetic alternatives may be a viable solution to straighten your smile. Not every patient’s orthodontic concerns will be able to be treated cosmetically and Dr. Barakat offers full orthodontic treatments for this patient. Dr. Barakat will suggest conservative dental treatment based on your oral health and cosmetic goals.

Schedule A Consultation

Learn more about what cosmetic or orthodontic treatments can straighten your teeth for a healthier more beautiful smile. Contact our Ottawa, ON dentist office or schedule a consultation online.

Contact Us

To schedule an appointment or for any inquiries, please reach out to us using the contact information provided below.

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